Colvin in the Adirondacks

Colvin in the Adirondacks

  • $22.00

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Colvin in the Adirondacks: A Chronology and Index
By Frances B. Rosevear

Published in 1992 for the Centennial of the Adirondack Park, this work honors the memory of Verplanck Colvin, standard-bearer of the Adirondack Park. It is also dedicated to the small army, often anonymous, of assistants, surveyors, roadmen and chainmen, axemen, packmen, guidesm cooks, teamsters, and others who made Colvin's work possible,. This reference, for all those who wish to learn more of Colvin's work and travels was produced as a living and practical memorial to the man who was among the first to call for the establishment of the Park.