Adirondack Stories 2

Adirondack Stories 2

  • $20.00

Adirondack Stories II, written by Marty Podskoch and illustrated by Sam Glanzman, contains 101 more illustrated panels of famous Adirondack guides, hunters, hermits, hotels, writers, artists, photographers, explorers, lumbering, mining, tanneries, railroads, boats, sports, entertainers, and amusement parks.

Marty first met Sam when he visited his school in Delhi. Sam talked about his work as a comic book illustrator. He illustrated comic books for sixty years and was considered by many to be the ultimate war artist. He also illustrated This Happened to M” in Outdoor Life magazine.

Sam & Marty got together in writing and illustrating panels similar to “Believe It or Not” and they featured people and events in the Adirondacks. They called them “Adirondack Stories” and were published in over five newspapers over five years. A collection of these illustrated 251 stories are now available in two volumes.


120 Pages

ISBN: 978-0979497919