The Adirondack Kids #13: The Carousel Case, The Bicycle Race, & The Blackfly Bad Guy

The Adirondack Kids #13: The Carousel Case, The Bicycle Race, & The Blackfly Bad Guy

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The Adirondack Kids #13: The Carousel Case, The Bicycle Race, & The Blackfly Bad Guy
By Justin and Gary VanRiper
Illustrated by Carol VanRiper

Recommended reading for ages 7 to 12

It is spring in the Adirondacks and there is more than the buzz of blackflies in the air. While best friends Justin Robert, Jackie Salsberry and Nick Barnes are planning a bicycle race, they find themselves caught up in an adventure revolving around the disappearance of Buy-Eye, the blackfly, from the famous Adirondack carousel. 

82 pages, paperback
ISBN: 9780982625033