Birchbark Chronicles
In August of 2002 Pat Garber, accompanied by her dog Huck, moved into a log cabin in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. She began keeping a journal on sheets of bark she stripped from bitch trees, recording the events of her daily life-- splitting wood for her fire, waiting tables at the local diner, encountering bears and other wildlife, and snowshoeing to the library. She traversed the mountains and lakes in her kayak and snowshoes, writing about her meanderings.
She also began a journey into her past, recalling and writing down the stories of her earlier life. Her recollections include growing up on a small farm in Virginia, setting out on her own and hitch-hiking in the U.S. and abroad, falling in love and marrying a charismatic but trouble-loving rock-and-roll musician, and the joys and heartache that ensued. Her stories include long-lining for halibut in the North Pacific, picking pears along the Columbia River, working as an archaeologist on the Straits of San Juan de Fuca, and crewing on sailboats in the Bahamas. Through it all she searched for understanding for herself and her readers.
295 Pages
ISBN: 978-1707676576